Stop The Smell of Farts and Neutralize the TOOT!! That’s right! I went there! I know this is in the Pet Category, but it is a multi-species offer. When I first found this little gem I had to Laugh Out Loud! Not only is it awesome and completely safe for your pets but your human stinkers also.

stop the smell of farts - Don't allow you innocent fur baby or your human family and friends suffer or cause you to suffer any longer from toxic fumes.

Have you ever had a gathering or event where your beloved fur baby was lying under the table or quietly in a corner when all of a sudden your guests started to choke and cough? With the look on their face, like they just took a drink or bite of the worst thing, they have ever put in their mouth? Maybe it was even so horrendous the room started to clear out! Everyone is looking at the person next to them as if they are the “Silent but Deadly” culprit!

Did you ever go to a special function during your school-age years and your father, grandfather, or brother decided that “There is more room out than there is in” and rips one? If you are lucky it is a silent minor offender and not the C4 Bomb going off that smells like it erupted out of the pits of hell! Then being the loving males we have in our lives, they grab their noses and start pointing at You! Making everyone in the affected area think you are the “Stink Bomb” culprit!


What about the worst traveling companion Ever? I have five companions that if you feed them the wrong thing before a trip you will wish you were never born! The handsome fellow pictured below on the right looks all sweet and innocent. Right? Well, let me tell you a quick little story. This guy’s name is “Tank”. I know original right? Anyway, Tank, his little brother from another breed, and I spent a weekend out of the Semi truck at my parent’s house.

stop the smell of farts - No matter how innocent they look they can still emit toxic fumes.

My parents love to have Sausage Gravy and Biscuits on Sunday mornings, even more so when they have family or company that has stayed over. Now, I am very picky about my fury traveling companions eating table scraps. My parents know this. While I was out loading my stuff in the truck to get back on the road my mother split the remains of our breakfast into bowls for my fury boys. (All evidence was devoured by the time I returned to the house.) I gather the boys say my goodbyes and roll out.

What on God’s green earth is that SMELL?

We get a couple of hours down the road the boys have settled in for the journey. When my eyes started to water, the gag reflex was activated, and my nose was assaulted with a smell worse than a den full of mad skunks!! As I struggle to roll down both windows to expel the toxic waste invading my truck! I suffer for the next 30 miles gasping for clean fresh air. I swear as God is my witness! The passing trees wilted a little bit in our wake!! Then, I look over at Tank sitting in the passenger seat, and I see this (reference the picture ===>>>)! All innocent and wanting to play! Oh, and his brother? Still sleeping through it all on the passenger floor right under the air vent!

No, I didn’t forget three traveling companions.

My other frequent traveling companions are a female fur baby, her dad, and his 7-year-old son. I have not pinpointed exactly what sets the three of them off! But just because she is female does not mean she doesn’t have the “Silent but Deadly” just like her male counterparts!

Then there are the two human males! Let’s just say this: If you ever roll into a large nationwide truck stop where everyone is leaving the building with teary eyes and actively gagging! The business’s employees are fanning the doors with tears rolling down their cheeks and a shade of green to their complexion. Return to your vehicle and vacate the property fast! Both of my two-legged companions have each cleared a truck stop with the fumes emanating from their backsides!! So hear my warning and save yourself the torture!

FINALLY! We can Stop the Stink of Farts!!

This is the ONLY way to love our best friends, furry and otherwise! Without having to suffer the teary eyes, singed nose hair, green complexion, and the threat of losing the last thing you ate. All because they ate something to cause their bodies to emit toxic fumes that could kill a herd of elephants at 100 yards!! We love them, but we don’t have to suffer with their “Silent but Deadly” or the “Stink Bomb” from hell any longer!!

Have you NOT ordered yet, here are some Additional Reasons you Need To!

  • You are going to have a gathering in your home. Make sure it’s not gassed out. Give these “Neutralizing TOOT Treats” to your Stinkers before the guest starts arriving to ensure a Gas Free Occasion!
  • Have a trip or vacation coming up? Don’t subject yourself to a Gas Chamber with no escape!
  • Are you bringing your Stinker home to meet the family? Ensure they all leave with a great impression of each other. Give them this TOOT Neutralizer before you bring them over. Avoid the embarrassment.
  • Why not add this to your gift-giving list? For Nana who at her age has developed the walking toots that leave people, animals, and plants alike bending in her wake. What about that Uncle or Cousin who likes for everyone to “pull my finger” and die with maniacal laughter as you gasp for air? Maybe even for the office White Elephant gift exchange?
stop the stink of farts

Get this safe and effective solution. Stop The Stink of Farts and Neutralize the TOOT of your human companions also!! Is your gut health leaving you with heartburn, gassy, and bloated? Check out how to get better Gut Health in a Snap with a revolutionary Biohacking Probiotic!

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And believe me, we are searching, testing, and adding All the time and you don’t want to miss out!

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